
The class which implements the Jaskowski’s approach [1].

model : object, optional (default=sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression)
The classification model which will be used for predict uplift.


fit(self, X, y, t) Build the model from the training set (X, y, t).
predict(self, X, t=None) Predict an uplift for X.

fit(self, X, y, t)

Build the model from the training set (X, y, t).

X: numpy ndarray with shape = [n_samples, n_features]
Matrix of features.
y: numpy array with shape = [n_samples,]
Array of target of feature.
t: numpy array with shape = [n_samples,]
Array of treatments.
Returns self : object

predict(self, X, t=None)

Predict an uplift for X.

X: numpy ndarray with shape = [n_samples, n_features]
Matrix of features.
t: numpy array with shape = [n_samples,] or None
Array of treatments.
self : object
The predicted values.


  1. A Literature Survey and Experimental Evaluation of the State-of-the-Art in Uplift Modeling: A Stepping Stone Toward the Development of Prescriptive Analytics by Floris Devriendt, Darie Moldovan, and Wouter Verbeke
from pyuplift.transformation import Jaskowski
model = Jaskowski()
model.fit(X[train_indexes, :], y[train_indexes], t[train_indexes])
uplift = model.predict(X[test_indexes, :])